The Gums State School is a Small School in the Western Downs with classes from Prep to Year 6. Our motto is 'Learning for Life' and we are dedicated to supporting students in achieving their full potential, through offering a challenging, supportive environment with a diverse curriculum. The school community encourages diversity and inclusiveness. It fosters a safe environment that supports innovative and creative practice. Underpinning this, is quality learning and teaching.
The Gums State School provides a supportive learning environment that allows students to prosper academically and socially. The school emphasis is focused on self-discipline within a framework of high behavioural expectations. Our small school environment creates a family-like setting where students are encouraged to help support each other. Our school prides itself on an enthusiastic, happy and friendly atmosphere where every child has the right to learn and the right to feel safe and valued.
We strive to ensure all Staff and Parents work together to provide the best possible educational outcomes for the students in our care.
Parent and community participation is highly valued with the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) active in fundraising, managing various projects and invaluable input into reviewing school performance.